Long before Sora was chosen by his Keyblade, the worlds’ safety lay in the hands of Keyblade Masters. Three youths — Terra, Ventus, and Aqua — have been training long and hard under Master Eraqus to prove that they, too, exhibit the Mark of Mastery. But they will soon find themselves in the middle of a crisis affecting worlds far beyond their own—just as another Keyblade Master, Xehanort, goes mysteriously missing. Three friends, three destinies. Everything will link back to the beginning.
Technical Details
- Disney worlds and characters never before seen in KINGDOM HEARTS, such as Enchanted Dominion (Sleeping Beauty) and Castle of Dreams (Cinderella) will make their first appearances in KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep.- Unravel the mystery surrounding the origin of the KINGDOM HEARTS saga through the tales of three unique characters - Terra, Ventus and Aqua. The whole story is revealed only after playing through with all three characters
- The familiar action-packed experience that fans have come to embrace returns with an enhanced battle system, with all new features such as Command Styles, Command Decks, Shotlocks and Dimension Links making it the most advanced KINGDOM HEARTS title to date
- Share the excitement and fun with your friends with four brand-new multiplayer modes: Versus, Arena, Command Board and Rumble Racing
- World renowned creator and character designer Tetsuya Nomura brings the the latest installment of Kingdom Hearts to life with vibrant, colorful and stunning graphics in 16:9 widescreen presentation made possible by the PSP system hardware
See Top 100 in Video Games
By Dylan (Illinois, USA)
The plot was well thought out, the characters are very enjoyable, and the graphics are superb. By far the best Kingdom Hearts game. The game is supposed to take you 45 hours to complete all 3 stories so I think I will be held over for a while.
By Radames
This is a brilliant prequel to what will be one of most well known video game crossovers of all time.
Beautiful graphics, the PSP shines like the PS2. True sceneries could be played with more but for the PSP Im massively impressed.
The story is absolutely heartbreaking, and incredibly dramatic. A perfect tie in to Kingdom Hearts, while also setting up potential storylines for KH3(whenever that decides to be announced).
I despised 356/2 days, absolutely loathed it this is such a breathe of fresh air. True its a hack and slash but there are so many minigames and story to tell its just a fantastic experience.
The gameplay like any Kingdom Hearts game is the typical God of War hack and slash with reaction commands every now and then. I like how they added D links and I LOVE the new combat system, its very enjoyable.
The one problem with the gameplay is the camera mode, they fixed the problem in KH2 but it came back in this one, granted it does not really effect the game play but when your trying to fight the boss and it locks on to a crate it can kind of make or break you.
Which now leads me to difficulty, this game is HARD. It is very challenging especially on Proud Mode, I underestimated the level of difficulty. It seems all those fans that complained about how easy KH 2 was can breathe a fresh air because BBS especially on proud mode is HARD. I think I died 6 times in the Sleeping Beauty world, very difficult.
This game is well worth the money, well worth the wait and an incredible experience.
5/5 easily, I hope I helped. The 1 star review for this amazing game is just a huge hell no.
By Zilla (Forks, WA)
Worst storyline ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. Ev-er.
This review is not regarding gameplay.
-Spoiler warning-
Why do these minor characters have more of a back-story than the main-characters of this series, Sora and Riku? That is stupid. Do we really need more sub-plots? What's with all this overcomplicating stuff? Now Terra, Aqua, and Ventus become part of Sora's heart. Okay? Funny, in KH and it's sequel Sora has no idea any of this happened or that those three even exist, he never acknowledges them. At all. -- Apparently in KH : Coded (upcoming DS game) Sora finally learns of them. Thats 5 games later in the KH story. Stupid. Stupid and pointless. This sub-plot is so pointless, this game is pointless and It's effect on the KH Universe is pointless -- It just sets up for more running around Disney worlds saving them. Pointless. All of these prequels and sub-plots and the series just goes back to it's original premise. Pointless.
Square-Enix has no idea what they're doing with this series.. who the hell screws up 'this' bad? This is unprecedented in videogames. How about a prequel that explains why Disney and Square characters are in the same universe? --- Nah, that would be too logical for Square-Enix.
Oh yeah, and there aren't many Final Fantasy characters in this one.. that sucks too.